
Baseball Vs Golf

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There is a problem that has plagued the nations of the world and by extension the American Public for a very long time, since before the handheld mobile phone being tapped by the government, since before the unrest in the middle east, since before the people were aware we were melting the icecaps. I’m not talking about laws of war, I am talking about a much larger battlefield, one upheld in the minds and hearts of gentlemen and ladies who duel to uphold their honor and pride. I am of course talking about the green fields and sandy dunes and calm lakes and the grassy hills and the tree roots of the battlefield upon which men and women defend their honor in times of peace, when challenges are civil. I am talking about the golf course. After a …show more content…

I hope that we can all agree that Baseball is a sport. We can? Great! Now let’s analyze something very similar between the two sports, Baseball and Golf, and that is the swing. Now, what does a good batter’s stance look like? It looks like knees, bent at a 25 degree angle. It looks like a firm grasp on the bat’s handle, gaze permanently affixed on the ball. And the swing, careful, calculated, with a practiced turn at the hips to deliver power in order to send the ball flying. Let’s compare to a good golf stance. It looks like knees, bent at a 25 degree angle. It looks like a firm grasp on the clubs’s handle, gaze permanently affixed on the ball. And the swing, careful, calculated, with a practiced turn at the hips to deliver power in order to send the ball flying. It’s almost as if Baseball is just Air Golfing. Now, let’s look at some numbers, because numbers are fun talk about. “But these two events have no numbers in common,” one might say and to that I say poppycock! Why we can compare the accuracy of the athletes for the respective candidates! But for this comparison we need some subjects, so let's pull two gentleman from history. And of course, they have to be the best in their field, and they are, by the numbers, the best. The two gentlemen being referred to are Tiger Woods and Babe Ruth. If neither of those names ring a bell in your mind, stop reading here, google them and then come back and continue reading. Of course the resource list at the end of the paper might be helpful for that task. Now, Golf is the easy one, they give a percentage staight up, Between the number of fairways hit to the number possible. Tiger wood’s Driving Accuracy Percentage is 55.75% (Tiger). Now Baseball is a bit harder, as a player’s batting average is a decimal. Babe

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