
Baby Boy Doe Ethical Dilemmas

Decent Essays

Baby Boy Doe

Baby Boy Doe is an example of ethical and moral dilemmas we as healthcare managers will face in our career. Every case may not be as severe or the consequences as detrimental, but daily we will be faced with making decisions that could change the very course of other people’s lives.
The case of Baby Boy Doe is an ethical dilemma because it’s an occurrence where “decision makers are drawn in two directions by competing course of acting that are based of differing moral frameworks, varying or inconsistent elements of the organizations philosophy, conflicting duties or moral principles, or an ill-defined sense of right and wrong.” (Darr, K. 2011) There were many differing viewpoints as well as moral and ethical choices on this case, the parents, nurses, physicians and hospital as an organization. In regards to the respect for person’s principle, the hospital and physicians allowed the parents to be completely autonomous. The parents were given the …show more content…

“Guardianship may be necessary to protect a person with mental disorders who lacks the capacity to care for himself but it may potentially abuse the person's civil rights and autonomy and should therefore be implemented only as a last resource.” (Melamed, Y., Doron, I., & Shnitt, D. 2007)This was a baby, who had no voice, had no one to fight for him, the people who were supposed to stand up for him literally gave up on him the moment he was born. The hospital obviously saw that they were not acting in the best interest of the child. They could have sought out social workers or legal counsel in order to fight for the baby. As healthcare managers, you have to take risks and make these hard decisions and no one did this for Baby Boy Doe. I would have rathered fought for the child within the legal system, sought out other family members and social workers, rather than sit back and watch him through a long and painful

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