
Abm540 Students Research Paper

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Equity for AB540 students I graduated high school from Los Angeles Technology Center. My teacher thought I was going to drop out for being the first generation of immigrants enrolled in high school. They assumed my last stop of education would be attending continuation school. I was receiving many negative comments mostly stereotypes from my teacher, classmates and administrators. I did not know how to deal with it and had no psychological help. My counselor told me there was no point in being in continuation school. My classmates would tell me I was going to have a lot of kids and live on welfare. Negative comments like these brought my self esteem down. I was able to prove them wrong and graduated high school and said the pledge of allegiance. Today, I am enrolled at Santa Monica college. However it was not as easy as I thought. It took me one month just to enroll. I did not know the process in enrolling for college as an AB540 student. “Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540) is a California state law that allows students who meet certain requirements to pay in-state tuition fees at any UC, CSU, or California community college.”(Mora) I was an immigrant student and did not know what papers to fill out. The Administration office …show more content…

Counselors specified for AB540 students will make the lines and enrollment go a lot faster and smoother. Counseling for AB540 student will help the student be more concentrated in school and bring their self esteem up. A lot of student will enroll and graduate from colleges. Students should not be deprived from an education just because a document does not say born in the United States. As stated from the White House blog page “students who grew up in the United States” should have “a chance to contribute to our country’s well-being by serving in the U.S. armed forces or pursuing a higher

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