
You ARE Your Credit Score

Decent Essays

You ARE your Credit Score

We at Homepath educate our clients on maintaining a good credit score. Keeping your credit score as high as possible is the primary factor of your financial health and well-being. Whether you want to go in on a Williamsburg co-op or you’ve decided to pack up your life as a Hedgefunder and go back to grad school for mad science training, you’re going to need a mountain of money from a lender or two to take care of the bills, and your credit score better be looking as good as your dreams.

That being said:


Not just for your mobile phone or cable TV addiction, either. Let’s say you’ve kept your score in the 700’s since training wheels, and now you have to choose between paying the bank that mortgaged your first apartment, where you live, or spending a weekend in Vegas. Well, pay the bank their due, and go backpacking instead. Because the big credit reporting agencies don’t take late payments lightly. They look at it like you’re having serious financial problems, because in their book paying off your mortgage should be a top priority.


Let’s get back to your credit score, which is everything. You want to get a nice job? They’ll probably check your credit score. You want to buy that black Jag for your 30th birthday? Then you better have kept up with the mortgage, because shirkers don’t drive Jaguars. If you’re happy with your 99 Forester, great, but if you’re hoping to move beyond Compact Disc technology,

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