
Why Is Australia's Changing Population

Decent Essays

In Australia, our changing population is having an impact on our healthcare system. This essay will highlight and discuss several issues that are impacting on the Australian populations changing health status and what our nation and as health care providers can do to assist with these challenges. Providing issue appropriate health care education and prevention strategies is important in assisting our country to decrease the incidence of these issues becoming a burden. Our people are at risk from various impacts which include an increasing aging population, chronic illness, mental health issues, culturally appropriate health needs for our diverse ethnic population, childhood obesity, a rise in type 2 diabetes cases, dementia and cardiovascular health.
The Australian population is showing an increase each year from previous years. The natural increase of births minus deaths is on the rise and can be contributed to the nations advancement of healthcare technology increasing life expectancy and lower infant mortality and a decrease in fertility rates, mean we as a nation are living longer (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). Life expectancy rates have also risen due to the …show more content…

We have an increasing aging population, due to the increase of people having better access to healthcare services and living a healthier lifestyle (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017). No longer is the Australian Government looking so much at traditional methods of helping people get better and treating illnesses once people are sick, but more so looking at how preventative measures can be put into place to help reduce the prevalence of chronic health conditions to improve people’s quality of life. These methods of change can influence the economy due to longer time spent in the workforce, and having more able bodied carers to aid our ageing population if they are living healthier, longer

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