
What You Pawn I Will Redeem And The Swimmer

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Alcoholism seems to be a common obstacle in everyone’s lives. Whether one is trying to overcome a problem or the possibility of knowing someone who is, which also seems to be a common characteristic for the main characters in each of the stories “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” by Sherman Alexie and “The Swimmer” by John Cheever. These two stories share motifs, symbols and themes. The most obvious contrasts are as follows; the point of view for each of these stories is different. In Alexies’ story, it is told in the first person view, for a reason too. In Cheever’s story, it is presented to us in the third person point of view. Each story’s is told is to emphasize how alcoholism can affect one’s ability to perceive time, and make decisions. …show more content…

This is exemplified best when Neddy reaches the Welcher's property were the pool is found to be dried up symbolizing an upcoming alcoholic drought. As he continues without his beverages the world around him becomes very hostile, passing cars ridicule him as he crosses a busy road, the public pool has burdening regulation and is chaotic to navigate and the Halloran's enlighten Neddy of his own financial ruin” The stories both progress in similar ways. TELL ME WHAT THAT WAY IS. INTERVALS? Alexie’s story progressed hour to hour in the sense that Neddy swims from pool to pool. Each pool can be seen as Ned’s timeline of Alexie’s story (hour to hour). We can compare the loss of Ned’s memory to the missing hours of Jackson’s story, in the sense that alcohol had a major role to play in their blackout. Neddy and Jackson’s actions and decisions are impaired by alcohol, a common theme in these stories which is also a common problem that many people are faced with in real life. Both of their timelines were obscured by alcohol. Referring to either one of the narrators would be a waste of time. Money also seems to be a reoccurring motif in each of the stories. They both seem to be always looking for it, an aspiration, a goal and, also, a common

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