
What Was The Expansion Of The Westward Expansion

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The Westward Expansion Transcontinental Railroad
Didn't the traveling time from coast to coast use to take months? Aren't you glad you don't have to take hazardous and slow wagons currently? During the Industrial Revolution, many factors contributed to the rapid expansion of the West. Before the transcontinental railroad was fully completed, the travel time from coast to coast was costly and took months through very troublesome terrain. Even though there were several constructive results from inventions, there were also dire consequences. The improvements made were great but, they came with substantial economic and political costs. One of these great improvements was the construction of the railroad. This helped many Americans to travel west in a week instead months. Towns sprung up all along the railways, increasing the population of the west dramatically.
Why build the transcontinental railroad? Growth of the west coast. The west coast had an abundance of gold and silver. The trip to the west would become shorter. Business would rise with the connection of the east and west. The solidification of the Union would become possible. Last but not least the achievement of the Manifest Destiny.
The transcontinental railroad is accepted as one of the greatest accomplishments during the 19th century. “In a petition submitted to the U.S. Congress on Jan. 29, 1845, New York merchant Asa Whitney proposed one of the most audacious ventures in American history: the construction of a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean, spanning two-thirds of the North American continent. In bold and stirring words, describing how such a rail network would revolutionize “the entire commerce of the world,” Whitney urged the federal government to underwrite the ambitious project.” (Visions of Empire). The Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 was authorized and passed, the railroad companies began to build a transcontinental railroad. Connecting over 2,000 miles of land, crossing deserts and mountains. It’s an amazing achievement since it lowered the traveling time to just a few days compared to the months.
After a long six years, the first United States transcontinental railroad was completed. The ceremony date was on the golden

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