
What Readers Can Learn From Reading The Hunger Games Essay examples

Satisfactory Essays

Everyone has to face different difficulties in his/her life. Children will have difficulties in their homework. Teachers will have problems during their teaching. However, if people overcome the difficulties, they will be successful. In The Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta who are the protagonists try very hard so they win the game. The Hunger Game by Suzanne Collins sends a message: Nothing in the world is difficult for one who tries hard enough. This message communicates through three separate narrative elements: plot, personality traits and literary devices.

In The Hunger Games, there are many significant plots show Katniss and Peeta try hard to overcome many difficulties. To begin, Katniss has a big conflict with Career Tributes who …show more content…

Career Tributes are badly defeated and they have to hunt for food as well as other Tributes. Moreover, Katniss is extremely brave which makes her successful. Getting the medicine is a brave choice that Katniss makes. The reader knows Katniss wants to get the cure for Peeta firmly because she says, “All right, I am going and you can’t stop me!” (Collins 274) Katniss tries very hard to help Peeta, even though she knows she probably will be killed. Therefore, Katniss’s success is not coincidence because she really tries her best.

Some literary devices in The Hunger Games prove Peeta and Katniss both fight so hard in the game. Firstly, symbol is one of the good literary devices that reveal Katniss always works hard physically in the game. For instance, Katniss’s dress that burns on the fire symbolizes Katniss’s fighting spirit. The reader knows Katniss is “the girl who was on fire” (Collins 78). Consequently, Katniss never gives up in the game despite she often has many difficulties in a hard situation. Likewise, smile is another literary device which shows Peeta is also very diligent in a psychological way. For example, the reader can know Peeta tries to become optimistic in the game even if he is in a bad situation, because when “Peeta wriggles back inside his fact lit up like the sun” (Collins 302). As a result, Peeta tries hard to make himself to be hopeful and confident to win in the game. All in all, these literary devices provide the evidences for the

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