
What Is Transportation In America Essay

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Transportation in America Throughout American history transportation has evolved to play an integral role in shaping society. In an ever changing world, transportation has helped and will continue to help shape history. From the midnight ride of Paul Revere to the very first plane, technology has changed to meet the ever increasing needs of the American Society. This evolution of American transportation in history and continues to define the continuing eras of American history. Through trials, failure, and perfecting, American inventors have shaped transportation in an ever-changing way throughout history and on into the future of America. From the most basic designs, American inventors and great thinkers have always sought to meet the needs …show more content…

This aircraft replaced the Trimotor plane and increased seating capacity and comfort for passengers. It did not keep the corrugated steel hull, however, it utilized a new sleek body. Today, planes look very much like the DC-3 and have been directly influenced by it. The pickup truck was a newer invention in the twentieth century, however, after WWII it gained a sleeker appearance while retaining its utilitarian performance. The 2000s pickup trucks carry many of the features of the willies jeep such as their versatility and assembly line production. The modern industrious and robust pickup truck has also become a symbol of American self-reliance. Lastly, the Fort Collins trolley was used for transportation in Fort Collins Colorado. It had a very different role from previous designs such as the Alleghany train, however, shared characteristics with the carriage train through its use in transporting people. This train, however, held many more people and was primarily used for transportation in cities. To this day, trolleys are still used in many cities in the United States. Their roots and the roots of all transportation come from the technological evolution of the

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