
What Is Deception?

Decent Essays

Introduction: Dishonesty is something that humans tend to do naturally and sometimes even unintentionally. There are different reasons behind why people lie. Because of the prevalence and nature of deception, there are many legal, political, and industrial settings where society could benefit from its accurate detection (Lee, T. M. c., Au, R. K. C., Liu, H.-L., Ting, K. H., Huang, C. M., & Chan, C. C. H. (2009). Deception is an intentional misleading of others through misrepresentation or falsehood. In which connections, to detection methods have been developed, including both behavioral (e.g. Iverson & Franzen, 1998) and psychophysiological measures, such as a polygraphy testing. (e.g. Green, Iverson, & Allen, 1999; Ross, Krukowski, Putnam, & …show more content…

(2009). However, these studies have not investigated situations in which the body is consciously used as an instrument for deception. Rather, the focus has been on non-verbal signals that leak out without the individual’s aware-ness (Vrij, 2008). Such a passive perspective on the body does not capture situations wherein movements are de-signed to be deceptive, such as when people fake injuries. A rich source of information lies in the ways that people move their bodies. Research over the last three decades indicates that the visual analysis of bodily movement is sufficient to determine other people’s identities (e.g.,Cutting & Kozlowski, 1977; Loula, Prasad, Harber, & Shif-frar, 2005), moods (e.g., Chouchourelou, Matsuka, Harber,& Shiffrar, 2006; Dittrich, Troscianko, Lea, & Morgan,1996), personality traits (Heberlein, Adolphs, Tranel, &Damasio, 2004), expectations (Bosbach, Cole, Prinz, &Knoblich, 2005; Grèzes, Frith, & Passingham, 2004b), and deceptive intentions (Grèzes, Frith, & Passingham, 2004a;Runeson & Frykholm,

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