
What Is Creativity And How Best Is It Developed?

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What is creativity and how best is it developed? When we hear the word “creativity”, most people think instantly of creative art relating to painting, sculptures, or pottery. Art itself is only just a method of showing an individual’s creative mind, but is not a definition. Creativity is being able to learn how to express ourselves distinctly. Creativity is a normative term and it is often hard to portray. However, there are certain conditions that Dr. Barrow has argued through his book, “An Introduction to Philosophy of Education”, that individuals need to consider to express their personal creativity properly. When problems start developing, we have troubles finding various solutions and we don’t take the chance to learn from them. At the same time, we often neglect to learn about culture when it holds valuable knowledge we can use and implement. By following certain necessary conditions, learning from problems, and referencing from the culture that surrounds us, creativity is developed We are able to establish creativity by being able to express ourselves following the necessary conditions that Dr. Barrow has stated in his book. A product can be artwork, thoughts, opinions, or any type of perception. He has said in the text that “if I offer my opinion it is my opinion” (Barrow, 2006, p.143). The product of a person should belong to themselves. For example, a child may build a yellow train out of Lego. It is his “product” and work that he created. The appearance of

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