
Watership Down Heroic Epic Essay

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Not Your Typical Superhero Story
Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Cat Woman; when you hear the word hero or heroine that is who you think of. The most famous heroes of all time, as well as the not so famous heroes such as Hazel, fit the archetype of a hero; they are all courageous, resourceful, and strong-willed. Most people don’t notice that almost all action/adventure movies and novels are the same. All of their stories fit the archetypal pattern of a heroic quest. A heroic quest consists of twelve steps that the hero completes throughout his or her journey. In this essay, I will be explaining the parallels between Watership Down by Richard Adams and the archetypal pattern of a heroic quest; as well as the parallels between …show more content…

Alternately, the hero reaches within to a source of courage and wisdom. Hazel trusts Fiver enough to take his nightmare seriously and arrange to leave the warren. Fiver leads the group through rough times through Hazel. Fiver is the voice behind Hazel’s actions and is looked to for advice throughout the entire story.
Crossing the Threshold; the hero commits to leaving the Ordinary World and entering a new condition with unfamiliar rules. Hazel makes the decision to leave at moonrise to escape the possible danger of staying in the Sandleford Warren. He commits to the adventure and is confident in his decision.
Tests, Allies, and Enemies; the hero is tested and must sort out his or her allegiances in the Special World. The rabbits’ strength is test many times throughout the novel. Some of which are when the group of rabbits cross the river for the first time, the group finds that the smaller rabbits cannot swim. They work as a team to get everyone across, using a floating log and pushing the smaller rabbits across. Another test of strength was surviving through the Warren of Snares, where they were welcomed and treated fantastically by Cowslip. Shortly after they arrived, Fiver noticed something off about the warren. Bigwig, was captured in a snare and soon after the other rabbits were attacked.
Hazel makes many allies throughout the story, such as Dandelion, Blackberry, Bigwig, Pipkin,

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