
Water Pollution Is An Issue Of Great Concern

Decent Essays

Water pollution has become an issue of great concern in our society. Many of today’s water ecosystems and drinking water are being polluted and destroyed as we speak. There are many types of water ecosystems such as oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds witch provide homes to many different organisms. There are overwhelming factors that contribute to the problems of water pollution such as sewage, radioactive wastes, improper disposal of trash on land, and careless beachgoers. These are all significant problems that people do not realize until all of the damage is done. There are very few methods of controlling this pollution and more need to be developed in order to try and control these problems immediately.

The first few causes of water pollution include sewage and nutrients from fertilizers being dumped into water. This causes a problem for all the organisms because the nutrients cause the algae and water plants to grow to abnormally large sizes. This can eventually block waterways. As the wastes decompose it uses up oxygen and blocks the flow of water in natural rivers and streams. Also, as these nutrients decompose in the water, they use up oxygen which can harm all the organisms living in the environment. Fish and other organisms living in water need oxygen just as much as humans need it. Since all aquatic organisms depend on oxygen in the water, without a sufficient supply they will not be able to survive. This would be a very dangerous thing. Anything that can decrease

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