
Valley Forge Research Paper

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It was the year 1777. The Revolutionary War is breaking out and George Washington and his army are making camp at Valley Forge during a dreadful winter. It was the week before Christmas when Valley Forge was established. 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia,at valley Forge, George Washington was at valley Forge to watch the British. The total troops at Valley Forge was in December 1777 was 12,000. Then in February 1778 there was 8,000. So my question is: Had you been a soldier at Valley Forge, would you have quit? I have decided to not re-enlist for three reasons which are 12 men living in one hut, not wanting to get smallpox and dysentery, and I do not want to die. The first reason I will not re-enlist is living with 11 other men in a 16’ by 14’hut. With a door at one end,a stick and clay fireplace at the other, and no windows. This reason …show more content…

George Washington was trying to figure out a cure for the smallpoxs. Because before they had the cure four in 10 victims die. After the cure one out of 50 died. Dysentery went around like wild fire. There we men lying on the ground everywhere you went. this reason is causing me to not to re-enlist because I don’t want to die just because I had smallpoxs or dysentery and got sick.Dr. Waldo said:”The Army which has been surprisingly healthy, now begins to grow sickly from the continued fatigues they have suffered this Campaign.” (Waldo 151) The third reason I will not re-enlist is that I do not want to die.It’s because I heard George Washington saying the illness estimate on December 23,1777 there was 2,898. Then on February 1, 1778 there was 3,989. Also the death estimates was December- June it was 1,800 to 2,500. This reason is causing me to not re-enlist because I would not want to die just because I had frostbite,getting a limb cut off, or dieing because the committee of congress would not give us enough supplies to survive the

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