
Uutu Research Paper

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Uluru is the biggest rock in the world. It is 9.4km if you walk around it and about 345 metres high if you climb it. It's 3.6km long, 2km wide, and is a roughly oval shape. It's made of arkosic sandstone and is renowned for the way it changes colour in the light and is particularly spectacular at sunrise and sunset. Uluru is the homeland of the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people and was returned to their care and ownership in 1985. The area contains carvings and paintings by Aboriginal people and is also the location of a number of sacred sites which are closed to the public. Uluru was named by European explorer William Gosse who sighted it in July 1873. He named it after the South Australian premier of the time Sir Henry Ayers. In

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