
Unwind Book Report

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Unwind is a book filled with three main characters who are escaping their “fate” of being unwound. Unwinding is a process in which every part of a child between the ages thirteen to eighteen is removed and donated to others in need of a healthy limb or organ. Connor is one of the main characters, he found out that he was going to be unwound because he found a bill his parent’s paid to go to the Bahamas, without him. He decides to rebel against his destiny and runs away from home, encountering some other characters and conflicts along the way.
When I met Connor I wanted to ask him so many questions about so many things. The first situation I asked him about was his finding out that he was going to be unwound. I asked him about his guilting …show more content…

I wanted to know what gave him the courage to run away from his life. He told me that he didn’t feel like he was loved at his home and that he felt loved by his girlfriend Ariana. Ariana had talked him into running away from his life because what would his life be like if he stayed at home? He wouldn’t have one. I asked him if he was in the end happy about running away without Ariana and he told me that “If Ariana had come I would have been dead.” Ariana would have just slowed him down in the process of surviving. So he was benefitted in the end without Ariana. He told me that he had thought about running away before and he knew that if he wanted to be successful, he would need to continue his journey even without Ariana. He says that his decision to rest at the truck stop was a good yet risky decision. He says that looking back and jumping into a random man’s truck was a very dangerous choice but he was lucky because the trucker helped him. I then asked him about his emotions when he was caught and his driver was arrested. He said that he felt a bit guilty for getting his driver arrested but that he couldn’t dwell on the situation for long because he needed to …show more content…

He told me that having Roland in that safe house did frighten him, not because he was scared of what Roland would do to him, but what Roland would do to Risa. “I knew his tactics and I knew that targeting me and only me wasn’t enough for him” . Roland was out to hurt Connor indirectly, Connor said he knew that he would eventually go for Risa. “How were you so calm during his attack on Risa” I asked, He told me that he saw it coming, he knew that Roland wanted him to fight because of the advice that Risa gave him before, She told him that Roland wanted him to fight, he wanted him to get aggressive and punch. “I wasn’t going to go along with his little game and fall into his traps.” Connor said. Connor is very cool under pressure and that’s a trait not many people have that

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