
Unit 6 Assignment Jazmine Ruiz

Decent Essays

Jazmine Ruiz is a seven year old second grade student who attends a public school in the Bronx. She is part of the D75 Special Education Inclusion Program. This program allows D75 special education students to follow the general education curriculum aligned with the Common Core Standards. Her classification disability is listed as other health impairments. She receives accommodations and modifications on her assessments as well as her class work and she is accompanied by a paraprofessional throughout the day who provides guidance when necessary.

Reason for assessment

Jazmine Ruiz is a perfect candidate for my formative assessment because she missed a week of lessons on how to add two digit numbers. This gave me the opportunity to tutor Jasmine on adding two digit addition. Each tutoring session was approximately twenty-five minutes long. Throughout my tutoring sessions, Jazmine will learn four different strategies on how to add two digit numbers. The first strategy, Jazmine will learn how to add two digit numbers by drawing tens and ones. Second, she will learn how to break apart the …show more content…

Jazmine was introduced to two digit addition. My first lesson focused on drawing tens and ones to solve two digit addition. This strategy would provide Jazmine with the visuals she needs to solve the problem. First, I did a quick review on how to draw tens and ones to represent a number. She was given three examples ranging from easy to hard. Jazmine showed no signs of difficulty and was able to complete the task. Then, I demonstrated how to use the drawings to add two digit numbers. I explained how she must draw the picture for each addend. Then, I explained that she must count the tens first and then the ones. She smiled and said “that's easy”. We went through a couple of problems together and Jazmine displayed that she understood the strategy of drawing tens and ones to solve two digit

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