
Unemployment Rate Dbq Research Paper

Decent Essays

Unemployment rate, one of the biggest macroeconomic indicators. Unemployment rate controls the rate of the economy, or GDP. If unemployment rate drops from 9.1% to under 5%, the entire economy would benefit. The job market would increase, total products produced would increase, and the overall standard of living would also increase. Employment is a key economic factor that affects all things economic. If unemployment rate lowered, that means that the job market would increase. An increase in the job market would vastly increase the overall GDP of an economy (Doc 1). With the economy handing out pink slips and firing employees, a boost in employment would lead to an economic expansion (Doc 3). An economic expansion would go so far as to slow …show more content…

If there is a farm with 100 workers vs a farm with 1 million works, the bigger farm will produce the most crop, excluding technologic factors. Imagine that employees are seeds, and the more seeds you have the more corn you can grow (Doc 1). Cornucopias, the economy, need this corn to flourish, and without the corn they would need to fire workers to compensate (Doc 3). This would cause our economy to sink lower into debt and maybe even hit the bottom of the ocean (Doc 2). If the unemployment rate lowers and more workers are in the factory, more products would be generated, boosting the overall economy. Working off the last paragraph, less unemployment leads to a higher overall production of products, leading to a higher GDP. A higher GDP leads to a higher standard of living. Basically if everyone in an economy was working and being productive, the economy would start to flourish (Doc 2). But due to an increase in firings and unemployment, the cornucopia of the economy is struggling (Doc 3). The job market is suffering and business struggle to find workers (Doc 1). Workers are important to the economy, keeping it running successfully and completing the business

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