
To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

Decent Essays

Harper Lee’s Novel To Kill a Mockingbird details the life of young Scout Finch and brother Jem Finch, who is growing up in a time of racial uniqueness. Jem and Scout Finch are what most would call a typical family growing up in the small Alabama town of Maycomb. They encounter many different obstacles during their childhood missions with many characters making the novel an interesting read. Throughout the book, Lee is showing Jem and Scout grow up and become mature young adults. This novel, written by Harper Lee, demonstrates the themes of growing up, Innocence and most importantly, racism.
Jem and Scout face many instances of racism. Scout encounters racism when Harper Lee writes, “He’s nothing but a nigger-lover.” (page 110) This Quote definitely connects to racism because Francis is calling Atticus a racist name. During this time in Maycomb county many, including Aunt Alexandra, think that when a white man takes a black man’s case it is a disgrace. When Francis found out Atticus took the case for Tom Robinson, he was able to make a racial remark during Francis and Scout’s argument to make her very mad. The next example of racism being shown in To Kill A Mockingbird is on page 158, Lula says, “I want to know why you bringin’ white chillun to nigger church.” The quote connects to racism because when Lula sees the white kids in their church, she immediately wants the out. This is because, during this time period, it is not okay for blacks and whites to go to the same

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