
Theories Of Grammar And Pedagogical Grammar

Better Essays

Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Teaching Cognitive Grammar
By Fereshteh Yavar. 911069948
This paper deals with the relation between cognitive linguistic theories of grammar and pedagogical grammar.

1. Introduction
Cognitive Linguistics (CL) is by nature cross-disciplinary and among the most obviously related fields are psychology, neurophysiology, computer science and general cognitive science.
In the last 30 years, a new paradigm in linguistics, CL, has revealed that much that has been supposed different and arbitrary under the traditional aspect of language is, actually, systematic. CL supplies a combined, accessible account of how many grammatical constructions and lexical items work, and how different uses of these forms are systematically related to one another. Because CL accepts a usage-based approach to language, it is aware of the contexts in which lexical items and grammatical constructions occur.
For the teacher, this approach has the potential to provide rich insights into the organization of motivation for the core and “extraordinary” uses related with features of grammar.
Cognitive English Grammar is not purposeful as an …show more content…

Nor have the sample descriptions been anything more than fragmentary. If we nevertheless suppose that CL concepts and descriptions are relevant for language instruction, a basic question remains to be addressed: Just who are they relevant to? The main possibilities are the student, the instructor, and those responsible for designing curricula or developing teaching materials. Assuming their validity, explicit awareness of CL notions would seem most clearly helpful for the latter. With effective materials and a sensible curriculum, an instructor with lesser awareness of CL insights can nonetheless still exploit them. And learner would hopefully benefit even if they are never exposed to Theoretical concepts or explicit

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