
Theme Of Oppression In The Hunger Games

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What do the middle ages, the 1960’s, and the future all have in common? All eras face the gruesome struggle of being oppressed. Author, Geraldine Brooks’ demonstrates this oppression by sending her audience to the past, in her novel Year of Wonders, to follow Ana Frith through the struggles of the plague, societal standards, and coming of age. Showing her audience oppression can be both an internal and active battle. Susan Collins takes a different approach, leading her readers through a futuristic dystopian novel, The Hunger Games, in the eyes of Katniss Evergreen: allowing Collins to convey how solidarity and fellowship can be the cure to oppression. Sue Monk Kidd while she was no dystopian author, she does use fiction to portray the …show more content…

Ray has yelled at Lily, she thinks, “I heard a voice say, Lily Melissa Owens, your jar is open” (p.41). This voice leading her to run away from home, rescue Rosaleen from the hospital, and set off for answers about her mother. These scenes helps the reader recognize the internal dilemma Lily had, while she had the safety of staying at the peach farm, a voice continued to tell her that a change was needed for her to obtain liberation. A similar internal fight went on in the minds of great historical figures who lived in the midst of the Civil Rights movement, these figures include Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Andrew Goodman, and Rosa Parks. They listened to the voice inside them, much like Lily Owens, however it lead to the liberation of many. Both authors collectively teach their audience that people must face their fight; whether it is from within or standing right in front of them, being apart of an internal and active fight is necessary for liberation in both a dystopian and real world. Fellowship and solidarity are emphasized themes in books that include oppression, promoting the idea that the help of these two are needed to gain liberation. Sue Monk Kidd displays these themes in her novel The Secret Life of Bees, “Drifting off to sleep, I thought about her. How nobody is perfect. How you just have to close your eyes

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