
The West Virginia Coal Wars: Storming Heaven by Denise Giardina

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Storming Heaven is Denise Giardina’s second and award winning novel, published in 1987. The historical novel is a fiction-based recount of the bitter labor conflict that took place in southern West Virginia during the early 1920s, otherwise known as the West Virginia Coal Wars. The author tells the story of the real conflict faced by miners through the eyes of four main characters, each from different walks of life, with their own different point of view. The story told about the real life hardship faced by coal miners and the ensuing conflict is a subject narrowly covered by The American Journey. Although the story that is told through the main characters is fictionalized, it provides a historically accurate portrayal of the events that …show more content…

C.J. Marcum opens the story telling how the railroad agents requested that his grandfather sign his land rights away. When Marcum’s grandfather refused, he was murdered and the family was forced off their land, just like everyone else. After the coal companies began to move into the area, they set up camps. Many of the residents who were forced off their land then worked for the coal companies. C.J.’s family instead had decided to move to the Justice farm, which was owned by C.J.’s grandfather’s cousin, Ermel. Ermel had relinquished the rights to his land, and the coal companies had not yet come for it. The residents that worked for the coal company lived in camps, worked for very low pay in “scrip” (company dollars) in horrible conditions, and ultimately had no other choice. Eventually, the workers of American Coal, who were once the landowners of the very area they were mining, formed a labor union to fight for better working conditions. The union was met with great opposition by the company’s secret police. As time went on, the coal miners continued to fight for their rights, only to be put down violently by the coal company’s strikebreakers. Union leaders were also fired and blacklisted from the company as a means to put a stop to union activity. Still attempting to unionize coal mining in southwestern West Virginia, tensions rose. Conflict finally erupted on August 25, 1921, when the coal miners

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