
The Utterly Perfect Murder Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Wow, 18 years old and ready to move on into the adult world. You have lived your childhood in safety and warmth, now entering a world with dark, cold hearted people. How will you live your adult life? Well, there is one important thing that should be remembered by all, and that is life will get you down, but you can always recover and keep succeeding. In the short story “On being 17, bright, and unable to read” written by author David Raymond, it states that “ I can’t read because I have dyslexia… He graduated Cum Laude in 1981 with a BA in business management”(Raymond 81). This quote means that even when someone has a learning disability, it does not mean that that person cannot do great things. Disabilities like this are one of life's barriers that the people of society have to overcome and find solutions to benefit those who have these blockages. In the story “The Utterly Perfect Murder” written by Ray Bradbury, a quote stating that, “ I thought for what he did to me when I was twelve… still-living antagonisms and touch my bruises which have never healed”(Bradbury 20). This means that their are some people in the world that will harm others for enjoyment, some may even cross paths. But learning to block those types of people will help advance life forward, instead of holding people back. So if, say there is a bully picking on kids who …show more content…

Wetherell states that “Their would be other Shelia Mants in my life, other fish, and though I came close once or twice, it was these secret, hidden tuggings in the night that claimed me, and I never made the same mistake again”(Wetherell 47). This quote is explaining that there are many opportunities to make decisions, but one can either help, or hurt people in the long run. An example of this is the use of drugs. People have the choice to take them or not. Choosing not to will have far better benefits than doing

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