
The Use of Symbolism in Margaret Laurence's Stone Angel Essay

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The Use of Symbolism in Margaret Laurence's Stone Angel

The statue of the stone angel is symbolic of the Currie family pride, Hagar's inability to relate and share her emotions, and the blindness and ignorance that comes from constantly refusing to see things from another point of view other than your own.

The Stone angel is symbolic of the Currie family pride because it does not seem to serve it's purpose, which is to honour Hagar's mother who had died giving birth to her. Hagar describes Mrs. Currie to be a "meek woman" and a "feeble ghost", whereas she describes herself to be "stubborn" and "practical". The statue was bought in Italy and brought to the Manawaka cemetery "at a terrible expense . . . in pride to mark her bones …show more content…

When applies for a job to get away from Mananawka and her husband, she lies to her boss as to her real relationship with Bram.

Hagar's pride prevents her from expressing her emotions or relating to other people, and as a result she turns out to be just as hard and unyeilding as the stone angel itself. She never reveals her real feelings at the risk of being thought of as "soft" and as a result she misses out on a lot of potentially great relationships. At a very young age, her pride prevents her from comforting her dying brother: But all i could think of was that meek woman I'd never seen, the woman Dan was said to resemble so mcuh and when from whom he'd inherited a fraily I could not help byt detest, however mush a part of me wanted to sympathize. To play at being her - it was beyond me.

(p. 25)

When Bram's horse died, she had a hard time trying to find something soothing to say or do because she always had a stone wall built up between them.

Seeing Bram's hunched shoulders, and the look on his face, all at once I walked over to him without pausing to ponder whether I should or not, or what to say. . . Then, akwardly, "I'm sorry about it Bram. I know you were fond of him

(p. 87).

Hagar comes to pride herself on her self-restraint and aloofness. Margaret Laurence establishes

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