
The Use Of Anabolic Steroids

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Picture yourself being the best athlete in the world and in your sport. After you picture that imagine how you would feel if you were caught with steroids and banned. Your reputation is tarnished and everything you have done has gone to waste. This is what has happened to past athletes and is still happening to present athletes. Athletes have been using steroids since the 70’s and use quickly ascended in the 80’s and so forth into the early 2000’s. Steroids should not be able to be used by Athletes. It not only gives athletes an unfair advantage but it also hurts their body and gives long term effects. When leagues ban steroids they aren't just trying to stop cheating, they are trying to help athletes have better and healthier bodies later …show more content…

Corticosteroids are the types of steroids that your doctor may prescribe to you if you have a condition such as lupus, asthma, or even a rash. They mimic the effects of hormones that your adrenal gland creates naturally. Anabolic steroids, on the other hand, are the types of steroids most often associated with athletes and bodybuilders. Nonetheless, there are many medical uses for anabolic steroids. Both steroids can be taken orally or injected and also can come in creams. Of the many different types of steroids available today, testosterone is by far the most popular in the bodybuilding and athletic crowd, while prednisone is incredibly popular for treating medical conditions that result in inflammation. Each and every steroid is completely different, so it is important to understand the pros and cons associated with different delivery types before you start your regimen or cycle.(,1). This quote was written by the website and states that testosterone is used the most in bodybuilders and cheating athletes. It also explains the importance of the users to know the effects the drug before they put it in their body. Even though steroids come in different types and they have different uses you always have to be aware of the …show more content…

Some will argue that they are beneficial to the body and others will say they harm the body in a big way. "If each of us ought to be free to assume risks that we think are worth taking, shouldn't athletes have the same freedom as anyone else?(Simon, 1). This was said by a professor at hamilton college. He suggests that people take their own risks and thinks that if athletes take steroids it's at their own use. "There are several reasons to ban performance-enhancing drugs: respect for the rules of sports, recognition that natural talents and their perfection are the point of sports, and the prospect of an 'arms race' in athletic performance.(Murray,6). President of Hastings center Thomas Murray thinks PED’s should be banned. He says athletes disrespect the sport while using drugs. He also says that taking drugs destroys the description of sports and that is natural talent and perfection. He finally ends it by saying drugs destroy the competitive nature of all sports and turns it into a game of

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