
The Use Of Advanced Technologies : Driverless Vehicles

Decent Essays

Geography 393 Transportation Planning Andrew Diehl Research Report Use of Advanced Technologies Driverless Vehicles Overview The dream of owning a self-driving car has long been the subject of speculative fiction, a technology that is truly ‘futuristic’. With the 2010 launching of Google’s fleet of driverless cars on the streets of San Francisco, the future became the present and the autonomous “self-driving” vehicle became a reality. Considering how technology has already changed our lives, careful consideration must be paid to how this new technology will affect our lives and how we travel. Understanding the implications of driverless requires an understanding of how they operate. Because this is an emerging technology there are several different approaches on implementation. The two primary methods being sensor-based systems and connected-vehicle systems. Sensor-based systems combine advanced sensors, actuators, control units, and software to enable cars to monitor and respond to their surroundings (e.g., Advanced Driver Assist Systems). Connected-vehicle systems use wireless technologies to communicate in real time from vehicle to vehicle and from vehicle to infrastructure (e.g., radio waves or Dedicated Short-Range Communication). Making full use of driverless technology would involve combining both of these approaches into a unified system. This would mean that a sensor-based self-driving vehicle would be connected to other vehicles and to

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