
The Transcontinental Railroad

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America’s Transcontinental Railroad
Since the beginning of recorded history, mankind has been caught in the middle of being frightened by the unknown and having an intense desire to explore and conquer it. The magnetic draws of potential land, wealth, and happiness have been perpetually found in juxtaposition against the possibilities of exotic foes, disease, and ultimate death. The concept of the desire to command the unknown frontier is clearly seen in mid­nineteenth century America, and has been revered as a foundational pillar of American spirit. The westward expansion of early America was influenced by a multitude of factors and is known in history as a crucial base to the growth of the political and economic superpower known of today …show more content…

Business growth on both sides of the country was expedited by a new form of cheap distribution into profitable, expanding markets. Easy transportation facilitated the concept of business travel and expansion on an unprecedented scale. However, some of the largest impacts of the Transcontinental Railroad can be seen through the cross­country exchange of ideas. Before the railroad existed, the only fast exchange of information was written through the pony express. The Transcontinental Railroad created an outlet of communicating new ideas and information in person. A smooth and swift cross­country exchange of people and ideas not only made America more infrastructurally sophisticated ­­ it acted as a foundation for the Western United States to grow from very little to the political, social, economic, and technological center that it is today.
The western expansion of America has important roots in multiple events, and many argue that the California Gold Rush was the most important event in America’s expansion West. The Gold Rush was extremely influential to westward expansion due to the number of people it attracted to California and the impacts a newfound booming population had on Western America. When gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill, the prospect of striking it rich …show more content…

The overall impact of the Gold Rush is seen through the effects of this population boom ­­ the population of cities like San Francisco exploded, and a huge, modern infrastructure was built to accommodate this population boom. The Gold Rush also played a large role in the desire for a Transcontinental Railroad, and is seen by many as the foundation for today’s West. However, the effects of the Gold Rush were localized to the Western States, particularly California. The countrywide effects of the Transcontinental Railroad strongly contrast the localized impacts of the Gold Rush, making the Transcontinental Railroad far more impactful on Westward Expansion due to the fact that its impact was seen in Eastern and Western

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