
The Success Of The Buffalo Bills Essay

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Everyone has a specific skill set that they are good at. Some people are good with numbers, others have a gift for writing. The same is true in sports. The Buffalo Bills are very good at losing and disappointing their fans, while the Patriots are fantastic at bending the rules and winning Super Bowls. In baseball, each team is built around a specific group of players in order to create the best possible chance to win the World Series. Some of the greatest players have created seemingly unbreakable statistics. Joe DiMaggio had a hit in fifty-six consecutive games. Barry Bonds hit seven hundred and sixty-two home runs over his twenty-two-year career. Statistics like these only come about once in a generation. Teams are comprised of various talent. Some are like Miguel Cabrera. Cabrera always has a batting average over .300 with at least 25 home runs. These types of players are considered great hitters. Other’s, like Stephan Drew, get a hit less than 20% of the time they have an at bat. Players similar to Drew’s skill set have a job because they are very good at defense and their value on defense out ways their value on offense to their specific team. Baseball is sport rich with statistics. Almost anything one can come up with, has a statistic. In the last ten years alone, top executives, such as Billy Bean, have constructed teams based on advanced statistics and have been fairly successful, like the 2002 Oakland Athletics. Other teams, like the Houston Astros,

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