
The Storyteller By Sandra Cisneros Essay

Decent Essays

Essay one: Sacrifices to Become Successful In the essay, “The Storyteller,” Sandra Cisneros describes what steps she took to become a writer. Thereby, she describes her office, dreams of living alone, and her passion to become a writer. She desired herself living alone, far from her family. This, however, put her in a disagreement with her father. Her father wanted her to get married and be a weather girl, but she wanted to live alone in harmony and write. Subsequently, she wanted to be a writer, that influenced her to live alone. In doing so, she had a major conflict with her father but it did not ruin their relationship. At first, Cisneros describes how she enjoys being alone and spend time thinking in the silent. After she graduates at the age twenty-three from graduate …show more content…

Though, her father is not impressed at all. She inscribes, “When the father visits, he climbs up the stairs muttering with disgust. Inside, he looks at her books arranged in milk crates, at the futon on the floor in a bedroom with no door, and whispers, “Hippie,” in the way he looks at boys hanging out in his neighborhood and says, “Drogas.” Cisneros father is upset on the choices his daughter is making. He did not want her to have a career as a writer. Cisneros writes, “The father wants his daughter to be a weather girl on television, or to marry and have babies.” But she did not have the same mindset as him. “… there are so many other things she must do in her lifetime first.” She possesses the life she is living at the moment. She starts teaching at a “school in Pilsen” as a counselor. This is how she pays her rent for her apartment. This job detached her from her father. “On the weekends, if I can step aside guilt and avoid my father’s demands to come home for Sunday dinner, I’m free to stay home and write. I feel like a bad daughter ignoring my father, but I feel worse when I don’t write.

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