
Essay about The Social Security Act Public Policy

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The social security act was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt so that he could put in place provisions in order to help the elderly. The social security act a document that helps impoverished citizens, such as the elderly and physically impaired receive benefits after retirement. Citizens’ in America during the great depression where expected to work weather elderly or physically disabled. These citizens weren’t afforded the financial stability to retire so work was a necessity to acquire money. “Prior to social security, the elderly routinely faced the prospect of poverty upon retirement” (U.S SSA). This effect of the great depression led to a lot death and homes turning into singled parent homes with no income. “The widespread …show more content…

The solution to this daunting problem was to tax businesses. Payments to current retirees are financed by a payroll on current workers wages’ half directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the employer” (SCHC). “Congress” implemented strategically taking money from financial stable workers and their weather employer to give money to the elderly and physically impaired without hurting the financial stability of those taxed individuals. The government saw an opening for improvement with in their national support and took it for the betterment of the nation. The act also protects the and gives states money to support “unemployment insurance, aid to families with dependent children, maternal and child welfare, public health insurance, and blind services” (SCHC). The act expands on just the elderly receiving government assistance but all groups who can not provide for them selves due to uncontrollable circumstances that where originally caused by the governments neglect and the start of the great depression.

Although the government tried to implement laws that benefited the individuals protected under the social security act, the government also may have also in the process violated people rights. The Stewart Machine Company v. Davis was a case that was put forth by Steward Machine co. “challenging validity of a tax imposed by the Social Security Act” (OYEZ). This company believed that their fifth amendment rights had been violated by the

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