
The Role Of Beauty : The Halo Effects In Psychology

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Halo effect
A halo effect is an outcome in one area due to factors derived from another. When good-looking people, for example, are perceived as more intelligent, more successful and more popular, "that's the halo effect in psychology and it's caused by a cognitive bias,the tendency for an impression created in one area to influence opinion in another area.
The term halo effect is used in marketing to explain customer bias toward certain products because of favorable experience with other products made by the same company.
The first use of this term in psychology was a 1920 paper by Edward Thorndike

Role of Beauty in halo effect
This heuristic influences what psychologists call the halo effect. The halo effect causes one trait (e.g., beauty) to drastically color your perception of all other traits. If you think someone is beautiful, you are also likely to assume they’re smart, ambitious, interesting, etc. We’ve all made these assumptions before, for good or ill. A person’s beauty or attractiveness has also been found to produce a halo effect. Beauty provides a valuable aspect of the halo effect to consider because of its multifaceted nature; attractiveness may be influenced by several specific traits. The role of beauty in producing the halo effect has been illustrated through a number of studies In the last one hundred years of research, beauty seems to be the one thing that most reliably produces the halo effect. Beauty is shorthand, a placeholder term for an invisible

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