
The Reform Of A Progressive Tax System

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Introduction At the beginning of the year tax season rolls in and millions of people rush to prepare their previous year’s financial statements and documents, ready to calculate their tax returns and credits. Currently, thirty-four states use progressive income tax systems, and seven states utilize flat tax systems. The remaining nine states either have no income tax or a “limited income tax” on individuals, taxing only dividend and interest incomes (i.e. AK, FL, NV, SD, TX, WA, WY, NH, TN) (Bell). A progressive tax system is most commonly referred to as a tiered income tax that shifts more of the revenue burden onto the wealthy. Taxation has been a part of human history since the beginning of structured society and was also a controversial topic in the pre-Constitutional Federalist Papers No. 33. In the article, Alexander Hamilton explained that the phrasing of the "Necessary and Proper" clause served as a parameter for the imminent creation of a federal bank. The Sixteenth Amendment to the United States’ Constitution endowed the legislative branch the power to oversee and judge the creation of a taxation system; however, if any abuse of those powers occurred, they would be annulled by the people. To this day, our federal government imposes taxes on its citizens in order to properly run government programs, build public amenities, pay off the national debt, and support the overall well-being of the nation. Because of the benefits of taxation, one would believe that more

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