
The Movie Crash And Social Issues

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The Movie Crash is valuable in learning about social issues because it points out things that we may tend to ignore in everyday life. It also brings light to things that we may do, but not necessarily consciously realize. Another benefit of this movie portraying social issues like racism is that it helps us think about ourselves as a person and we can analyze ourselves in our way of thinking and our actions. Using a movie in class is also beneficial because it breaks up the traditional classroom activities. It helps student be a little more involved and interested in the topic. It also helps extend learning beyond just the textbook and classroom lectures and activities. Although using movies can make students more involved and interested …show more content…

I do believe the film was accurate in the slang terms and racist comments that it used. I believe although the movie leaned towards being over dramatic that it was really well portrayed with the scenarios that it used throughout the movie and how it all ties back together. I think it led very well to the overall big picture that they were trying to convey to the audience.
The film examines systemic and institutional racism in the police station when Hansen talks to his superior officer about switching partners; his superior, Lieutenant Dixon, is a black officer and says that reporting Officer Tom Hansen as a racist could cost all of them their jobs, especially in the LAPD. Dixon suggests transferring to a one-man car and mockingly suggests Hansen explain his request by claiming to have “uncontrollable flatulence” rather than say his partner is racist. We also see instances of where racism is not race against race, it also portrays race against gender and race against class as two major forms of racism conflict in the movie.
The degree of connection between all of the characters in the movie is so coincidental and interrelated to emphasize the point that we do not always know what is going on with everyone else we may encounter. It also accentuates the fact that racism is not one particular race against another. It also shows that we never know someone’s situation and what is happening in their life to make them act the way that they do if

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