
The Mission Of The United States Essay

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For the majority of American workers, the ultimate mission of their employer is to make a quality product, with the ultimate goal of making a profit. For my employer, the Department of Defense (DOD), the mission, “is to provide the military forces to deter war and to protect the security of our country” (About the Department of Defense, 2015). Having employees that understand how they contribute to the mission, vision, and goals of the DOD is taught from day one. With the ultimate responsibility of taking life, strong core values are also of high importance. Each component of the DOD create their own statements of how to complete their specific area of responsibility in the DOD mission. For the Air Force, each section all the way down to individual units, develop their own statements on how they fit into the overall mission. The following paragraphs will discuss the Technical Order Home Office’s, core values, mission, vision, goals, structure of the unit, and how the key leaders contribute to the overall success of the Air Force and the DOD. First and foremost are the Air Force core values. The core values of the Air Force are, integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. Living by these values set up individuals and the Air Force for success. Doing what is right when no one is looking regardless of personal feelings or distress, completing a task even when it is time to go home, and doing it correctly the first time are basic examples of the

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