
The Journal Of Child Psychology & Psychiatry And The International

Decent Essays

The Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry and the International Journal of Eating Disorders are both academic sources which deal with the topic of eating disorders. However, because genre and discipline vary between the texts, the use of evidence differs. While “Research Review: What We Have Learned about the Causes of Eating Disorders- a Synthesis of Sociocultural, Psychological, and Biological Research” combines information with an emphasis on psychology, “Biological Therapies for Eating Disorders” focuses strictly on biology. “Research Review” explores the many different causes of eating disorders and uses credible sources, approachable language, and appropriate visual aids making it more effective than “Biological Therapies for …show more content…

Following collection and synthesis of information, scholarly articles such as “Research Review” endure several rounds of revision. This process in itself increases credibility. “Research Review” was written with the purpose of analyzing the several causes of eating disorders and utilizes accredited sources from each discipline to do so. Throughout the article, the authors synthesized available data and literature on PubMed, which is a service provided by the United States National Library of Medicine. Because this is a national database that is updated daily, it is credible and can be cited. In addition, other reliable sources such as the American Psychiatric Association are referred to. Authors refuse to include factors that have not been approved based on several criteria, including “if less than two studies were conducted or findings have been inconsistent, we emphasize the need for replication and refrained from classifying the factor” (Culbert 1143). These criteria increase the strength of the argument, but also weaken the authors’ ability to expand on certain subtopics due to the fact that formal testing of causation models is limited. For this reason, behavior genetic data is thoroughly analyzed; “epigenetic effects have been tested by examining differences in mRNA expression and/or DNA methylation between cases and controls, primarily during the ill state (see Table 5)” (Culbert 1150). In order to

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