
The Issues Of Pediatric Care Nurses

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Pediatric Care Nurses have a demanding job that is often overlooked by most. People do not take into account how much a nurse will give to his or her patient, especially considering that patient is most likely a child between the ages of infancy to eighteen (“How Nurses”). The patients, being very young, can attribute to the amount of stress the nurse feels to do his or her best which can in some form bring an emotional factor into the mix, especially if the nurse has children himself/herself (Izumi 203). While being a pediatric care nurse, emotions play a large role in the way these professionals do their job. A step back is needed to see the emotional and physical stress these pediatric care nurses face when doing their job.
Before the nineteenth century, children had very little to no healthcare at all. Only the wealthier families could afford the transportation costs of travelling into the city for their child to receive medical attention. In times of need, such as the smallpox epidemic, most children were cared for at home by family and neighbors using “folk medicine”, homemade antibiotics (Hartley). In the middle of the nineteenth century, Abraham Jacobi began the study of pediatrics and his research led it to become a “medical specialty” (Mandal). The first hospital in the U.S. that was built for the medical attention of children was “opened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1855” (Hartley).
The main objective of pediatric care is to take care of all children, either

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