
The Issue Of Taxation Of The United States Essay

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Benjamin Franklin once said, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Taxation has always been a hot-button issue in the United States, as it was one of the primary reasons the United States revolted from the British. The media have once again turned its attention to the issue of taxation, but primarily on the increasing of taxes solely on upper-class citizens. The United States currently employs a progressive tax rate, which means that the upper class already is liable for a higher percentage of taxes. During the current presidential campaign, each of the candidates has their own unique idea of tax reform. Some of the candidates’ tax plans cut taxes for all through the change to a flat tax rate, while other plans do quite the contrary and raise taxes for all. The candidates who are favoring the increase of taxes on the wealthy are attempting to enact laws, which increase funding for government programs, attempt to redistribute the wealth to the lower class, and eliminate the debt of the United States. However, the candidates who are attempting to enact a flat tax rate are attempting to eliminate outdated government programs and to help to increase jobs. A higher tax rate on the wealthy through a progressive tax system, at a cursory glance, may appear to be beneficial, however, I am arguing to show the negative effects not only for the wealthy but the United States economy as a whole. Some may believe that all of the government funded

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