
The Impact Of Innovations In The 1920s

Good Essays

Henry Ford once said, “If everything is moving forward together then success takes care of itself”. Society has been revising how we live for centuries and still continues to do so. Naturally, we look for ways to improve humanity and make the world a better place to live. One critical contributor to the success of society in the 1920s was Henry Ford. Henry Ford’s ingenuity gave birth to something that would revolutionize society for years to come. This was the beginning of a new era. Henry Ford’s automobiles revolutionized civilization in many aspects. Innovations in technology and how it’s made impacted people’s lives in the 1920s and modern-day life. The 1920s was a time of growth for society. One form of technology that changed mankind for years to come was the Model T. Although cars were, “First invented and perfected in Germany and France in the late 1800s” (Automobile History 1) the Model T was truly the first of its kind. According to Nick Hardcastle the Model T was the first car most Americans could afford (2). Cars were expensive to make at the time; therefore, they were only available to the wealthy. Most Americans did not own cars, but this wouldn’t be true for long. The average price of a car at the time went from 850 dollars to only 250 dollars in less than ten years (Hardcastle 2). This was a dramatic change that happened in a small amount of time. The world was becoming bigger for more Americans. The number of cars Americans were buying was rapidly

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