
The Impact Of Financial Institutions On The World 's Social Problems

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There is a growing realization that, along with government aid and charitable philanthropy, financial institutions can help to solve some of the world’s social problems. Over the past decade there has been significant growth in socially responsible investing. Just as the formation of the venture capital industry ushered a new approach to funding the private sector, impact investing is attempted to harness the finance industry to bring social improvements. Ideally, impact investments would deliver something good for humanity while generating a financial return with limited downside risk. As socially responsible investing continues to grow, investors have begun to gravitate to companies and assets that hold similar values to themselves. This can include investments towards climate change, alleviating poverty, increasing education or anything that progresses social strides. Traditionally, responsible investing avoided stocks which promoted vices such as tobacco and alcohol. However, as the industry has evolved, financial institutions have created funds which now actively promote and track sustainable practices.
Socially Responsible Investing In general, socially responsible investing creates quantifiable social change while also generating modest financial returns. These investments positively impact a variety of sectors by providing access to critical goods and services to develop impoverished areas. In particular, millennials are more attracted to impactful investing and

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