
The Impact Of Applied Psychology On The Field Of Psychology

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Consider the Impact of Applied and Behaviorist Psychology on the Field
In this paper I will discuss the impact that applied and behaviorist psychology has had on the field of psychology. J. R. Angell at the University of Chicago is possibly one of the most advanced of the functional psychologists, predicted that American psychology was prepared for better objectivity. In 1910, he stated that it is possible that the term consciousness would more than likely vanish from psychology, even more than the term soul had vanished (p. 209).
The most significant impact on the field of psychology was the explication of consciousness and its functions. During the early 20th century, psychology began to changed dramatically; Therefore, consciousness had …show more content…

Angell also viewed the introspective study of consciousness as one of the most important method of psychological research during the mid nineteenth century (Schultz & Schultz, 2012).
What persons or ideas in early behaviorism would carry out the trend that Angell predicted?
During the nineteenth century, most psychologists viewed the emergence of functionalism as being evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Therefore, the primary difference was in the subject matter of their study; while structuralism attempted to examine and describe regulations concerning psychological practices, functionalism was the trend that was considered to be more teleological challenging, and focused more on the concept of how and why.
As a reaction of structuralism, functionalism emerged during the twentieth century. In comparing structuralism and functionalism, functionalism is believed to have a more significant role in the development and subject matter of psychology. Although, the role of functionalism was considered to be strong it was not exclusive because behaviorism was considered by most to be the most dominant trend of psychology.
John B. Watson (1878-1958) was one of Angell’s most promising students at the University of Chicago. Watson (1913) eventually became founder of the behaviorist school of psychology. He carried out the trend of Angell’s theoretical prediction in early behaviorism and became the first American

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