
The Horror Of The Zombies

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The zombies are used to represent the mass panic of a containable situation, and the government is portrayed as safe keepers of people, but also critiquing the government’s actual response time and effectiveness to situations. Both the story and the movie utilize zombies as a substitution for a more real and occurring matter. The nationwide panic that is represented through a zombie apocalypse can be interpreted as a problem that the country is facing or may have faced before. The fact the most zombie apocalypse has one person who was infected and that person infected someone else and so on shows that most of these occurrence could have been prevented, but due to the response time of related officials, problems arise quicker than they can …show more content…

A zombie will kill if able. Given zombies, according to Sims “were never not hungry” (52), they didn’t rush to an opportunity. Sims describes a scene where Michael essentially has a stare down with a jogger zombie. He says the zombie was facing his direction, but was lacking life. The zombies have an unquenchable thirst for meat, flesh, and brains yet do not act upon their desire. Maybe, due to decay, the eye-sight of the zombie has decreased significantly along with its other senses. Or, once zombiefied it no longer even use the senses. The zombies may altogether gain new and different senses, and rely heavily upon those to tell what is around them. Either way, the awareness of a zombie is significantly lower than a living human, but still dangerous none the less. The Night of the Living Dead zombies are seen as pretty slow, but may be more aware. Night of the Living Dead zombies utilized tools and were persistent. The first zombie that ap-pears in the movie seemed to be the most aggressive one. He wrestles the guy to the ground and runs after the girl. After she locks herself in the car he first tries the door handle on both sides of the car. Figuring out that that didn’t work he got a rock and broke the window. His level of un-derstanding had far surpassed that of the zombies in A Questionable Shape. Also, the daughter of the wife and husband picked up a trowel to stab her mother to death with.

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