
The Holocaust And The Holocaust

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The Holocaust was a system established by the Nazis in World War II as a means to exterminate all of the people which they considered undesirable or subhuman. This included gypsies,minorities,cripples, the mentally ill, homosexuals,communists,and anyone who opposed the Nazi regime. The main target of the Holocaust was however the Jewish people. They were the main target because the leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, believed that they were the reason for Germany losing World War 1 and thus was the reason that the German economy was in a bad state. Vladek Spiegelman and Elie Weisel were to people who were both survived their experiences in the Holocaust and both told their story in books. These books are Night by Elie Wiesel and Maus by Vladek Spiegelman.The Holocaust shaped these two different men's lives in the same way. Through their losses and experiences in this horrific point in time they learned what it meant to truly struggle and this ultimately turned them into better people. While in the camps theses two men faced some of the same horrific and disgusting experiences. They both talked about the lack of food as there is mentioning of them eating only soup and bread. Although at one point a kapo who liked Vladek gave him a present of things like sausages and eggs. But as stated in both books there was a widespread famine throughout most of the camps and the need for food incited violence.Also food was able to be traded for favors or sometimes other items like

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