
The Ethics And Code Of Workplace Practices

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INTRODUCTION In the business world ,fiscal command frequently triumph over the values, the values of social responsibility and ethical behavior as corporations endeavor to relieve costs and reduce contingencies in future ,nowhere is that drive for certainty and cost reduction is more enthralling then in the corporate supply chain, the global market place demands that supply chains be fleet-footed and scatter ,an efficient supply chain is responsible for changing the organization priorities by keeping the cost of the company intact and giving company the room for growth and increase productivity ( Attaran,attaran,2007) Sustainable development is a vehicle to permute many and varied corporate and institutional interest whilst giving impression of adherence to and observation of environmentally sound principles (David and Santillo 2007) BACKGROUND Nikes company issues was transparent ,perceive and concise ,Nike came under severe criticism from media over the ethics and code of workplace practices ,this includes problems of child labors ,workmen ship unethical practices ,unsafe working conditions ,wage rate ,excessive overtime restrictions on organization and environmental impacts ,watching its reputation sullied by stories of abuse Nike began to see its profit dip and was forced to lay off workers . Nike faced with significant earning losses, Phil knight Nike chief executive officer and founder on May 1998 speech to national press club admitted that the Nike product

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