
The Effects Of Violence On Young Adults

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Violence in Young Adults Young adults’ immoral behavior has its roots in chronic deficits of parental love and affection going back to early infancy. Future delinquents habitually have a disorganized, disintegrating family lives. This often leads to aggression and opposition toward others outside the family. Young adults in today’s society are in a constant struggle with the simplest issues in life. This is due to the child’s inability to have a strong parental attachment to one or both of their parents early on in his or her life; furthermore researchers have linked this to violence in young adults.
Issues in Today’s society The breakdown of the family ensures that these young adults are not getting the support needed in order to make adequate life decisions. In the article by Fagan, he describes the five steps to violent crime. He explains how young adults are not to blame. According to Fagan, “The factors are not caused by race or poverty, and the stages are the normal tasks of growing up that every child confronts as he gets older” (7). Broderick and Blewitt maintain that “Following an explosion of studies on childhood attachment, researchers began to train their sights on attachment theorists’ suggestion that early bonds with caregivers could have a bearing on relationship building throughout the life span” (439). Fagan claims that, “In all of these stages the lack of dedication and the atmosphere of rejection or conflict within the family diminish the child 's

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