
The Economic Theory Of Monopoly And Monopoly

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The European Court has defined a dominant market position as:
‘...a position of economic strength enjoyed by an undertaking which enables it to […] behave to an appreciable extent independently of its competitors, customers and ultimately of its consumers’
Does this definition make economic sense? How should it be interpreted in the light of the economic theory of monopoly and oligopoly?

Market Dominance….(Intro)

Monopoly and Oligopoly are market structures in economics which are deemed to exercise market power within their characteristics in terms of market concentration and price determination.
More specifically, a Monopoly market structure is one where a single firm is the seller of a product in a market which therefore meaning it has the full market shares in a particular market. Monopolies are also characterised by a lack of competitors in a market, or viable substitutes to a good or service. Therefore, a firm in a monopoly enjoys the power of being a price maker in a market as it has no close competitors to influence price.
Conversely, an Oligopoly market structure is on where a few firms in a market dominate as sellers of a good or service. The notion of having a small number of sellers makes the idea of rigorous completion less likely rather in oligopolies firms look to interact(collusion)amongst each other to gain profits. This is vitally important as the actions of one firm can have a very considerable impact on the actions of others as well as profits.

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