
The Duty Of Being An Active Princess

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Title Alice Sterling, born into the royal family had no choice but to fulfill the duty of being an active princess. This included being at every hearing for every criminal that had done wrong in the kingdom of Avalon. It wasn’t that she hated her life, quite the opposite actually, she just hated the part where she was expected to act one way and only that way. Sit up at dinner, speak only when spoken to and even then she had to choose her words wisely, and the one rule she hated the most stay in the castle unless accompanied by guards. Every so often she would sneak out of the castle to get fresh air. She craved to be in the forest surrounded by nature, it was the only thing she looked forward to throughout the day. When in the forest …show more content…

The animals games had slowly died down, and one after another returned to its dwelling for a good night’s rest. The slow walk back to the palace was bittersweet, she loved the walk itself but knowing that this was the walk to the place she dreaded was making the air thicker by the minute. Avalon was a beautiful place, magical trees sprouted on every corner lining the street with bright greens and orange. Flower beds were near every curb filling the street with a sweet aroma, intense colors created a beautiful pattern within the beds making Alice smile. The palace was made of mostly glass and lavender paint, a mutual tone but it made a statement to the community. The staircase was grand and stretched into two then came back together at the top near the entrance. The door stood ten feet tall in all its glory, made of pure glass only opened during events but it’s really only an aesthetic. She skipped the stairs and went around the side of the palace and avoided all windows to try and not be seen by any guards. Carefully she slid open the one window that wasn’t guarded, her room, and placed one leg in after another and crept back into her large room. She had instead when she was little to have no guards in her room, for she felt it was the one place she wanted to be private, after many days of thought the king and queen finally caved. The next day, Alice awoke in peace, feeling the joy she had felt last night but soon that changed to question. Guards rushed down the hallway

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