
The Country Of Mexico : Mexico City

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Mexico is known for its diversity, its beautiful people, its colorful culture, its history and famous landmarks. It is home to over 119 million people and growing, making it the most populated Spanish speaking country in the world. The Country of Mexico is made up of 31 states and 1 Federal District. Although it is so populated, it only has one metropolis: Mexico City. Mexico City is the most populated city in all of Mexico. The most highly dense populated cities in Mexico will mostly be found in the south or “waist” of the country, due to its climate. Mexico 's climate is very different depending on whether one wants to visit the north or the south of the country. In North Mexico, it is very dry and hot with rugged mountains like the Sierra Madre Occidental that goes west and the Sierra Madre Oriental that goes East of the country. On the North west just below the state of California, is the Baja California which translates to “Below California” and right beneath Baja California is Baja California Sur which can be translated into “Lower California South.” These two states make up one of the two peninsulas in Mexico. Moving down to south Mexico, the climate changes from hot, dry and desert-like to tropical and humid. This is the most populated part of the country because people can grow crops and provide for their families and find jobs and make a living. Mexico also has another peninsula located in the south east called the Yucatan peninsula. Hundreds of thousands

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