
The Coral Reef Biomes : The Environmental Effects Of Coral Reefs

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The ocean is two-thirds of our planet a vast blue landscape home to many biomes which according to Boyce Thorne-Miller “(ecosystem types) corresponding to sets of environmental conditions that vary with depth, latitude, and longitude” (16). However, the ocean and its biomes is under attack from the changing environment. We can see this through coral reef biomes as they make their home near the shores. Through coral reefs we can view the effects that these changes have on the ocean through how the coral reef biome is affected. Humans are a danger to the coral reefs and the wildlife that resides in the biome. The pollution being released into the environment is poisoning the coral and causes death and malformation to the wildlife. The ocean is changing due to global warming which is causing a change in the temperature and rising water levels leading to a change in the stabile areas coral can survive. The increasing acidification of the ocean is causing the coral reefs to die. I will be looking at the effects these issues cause to coral reefs biomes and the ocean to see the similarities in how they affect both.
Humans fish to survive and in doing so they will target specific species leading to overfishing. Sound pollution is causing issues with the wildlife of the ocean in how they communicate and move around. With human interaction comes trash which gets left in the ocean and affects many different species.
Overfishing affects a biome by reducing the amount of species. According to the National Ocean Service (NOAA) the effects of overfishing in a coral reef biome leads to a limited amount of wildlife to reproduce. The ones that do reproduce will be smaller as larger wildlife which spawn more offspring are targeted and removed from the biome causing lower overall birth. This causes more algae to be in the environment which can lead to nutrient pollution due to a lack of wildlife that cleans the area of algae. The World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) found that the effects of overfishing on the ocean also caused imbalances in the populations of wildlife such as tuna and the disruption on herbivores by overfishing such as scallops lead to algae bloom in the ocean as well.
Sound is how much of the ocean communicates with

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