
The Contribution Of Abraham Maslow And Dorothea L Dix

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Throughout history, many have contributed to psychology and have made an impact and developed innovative theories and ideas. Two contributors who have influenced the treatment of patients and even helped innovate a new school of thought are Abraham Maslow and Dorothea L Dix. Their contributions drew attention to some problems that were present at the time and helped society realize the importance of mental health and ethical ways of treating patients. The first contributor, Abraham Maslow was born on April 1st, 1908. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Russia and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. His early childhood as he explains, filled with hardships and he felt unhappy and lonely. His mother was abusive and unloving, which may …show more content…

While in college, Behavioral Psychology greatly intrigued Maslow but, soon found aspects he disagreed with. He found Behavioral and Psychoanalytic psychology only focused on the negative primitive aspects of humanity. Maslow argued that although humans can be cruel and negative there are also positive aspects of humanity such as compassion, kindness, empathy and many others. He felt that current schools of thought during his time watered down humanity made it seem simplistic and he wanted there to more positivity to add to the complexity that is humanity. Humanistic Psychology according to Shiraev (2015), “a value of orientation that holds a hopeful and constructive view of people and of their substantial capacity to be self-determining” (p. 389). Although the hierarchy of needs and Humanistic Psychology were innovative during it was and is still criticized today. One of such criticisms is self-actualization and that Maslow gave very ambiguous characteristics and examples of people he thought to be self-actualized. In addition, the hierarchy of needs is hard to prove scientifically. Self- actualization relies mostly on a person’s experience. Therefore, one can’t tell if an individual is self-actualized. However humanistic psychology changed the way human behavior was viewed during a time where behavioral psychology was more prevalent. This introduced a new way of

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