
The Assimilation Policy and Its Impact on the Indigenous Australian Society

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Since the time of federation the Aboriginal people have been fighting for their rights through protests, strikes and the notorious ‘day of mourning’. However, over the last century the Australian federal government has generated policies which manage and restrained that of the Aboriginal people’s rights, citizenships and general protection. The Australian government policy that has had the most significant impact on indigenous Australians is the assimilation policy. The reasons behind this include the influences that the stolen generation has had on the indigenous Australians, their relegated rights and their entitlement to vote and the impact that the policy has had on the indigenous people of Australia.
The assimilation policy was a …show more content…

Their native land was taken from them, and this led to an increase in Aboriginal activism. Protest groups like the Aborigines' Progressive Association and the Freedom Rides were formed. It wasn’t until 1962 that the commonwealth electoral act that began in 1918 was amended so that all Indigenous Australian could vote, and only in 1965 were Aboriginals finally granted the entitlement to full wages. (Skwirk, 2007). This impacted them in many ways us they were denied equal right for so long. ‘I want a Little Fair Play if you will be so kind enough to see on my Behalf’ (, 2001). This was from one of the many letters by John Kickett to parliament in his fight for aboriginal rights.
The term 'terra nullius' meant a land that belonged to no one, Australia was titled this by Captain Cook in the 18th century and it legally meant that no one could claim rights over the land because no one lived there. However, people were living there, the indigenous people of the country had been living here for many centuries, and once the land was claimed by European settlers the Aboriginal people lost their rights of the land that had been theirs for such an extensive

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